5 Lawn Care Myths Busted

It's the time of year when lawn care becomes of paramount importance. Unfortunately, several lawn care myths have been making the rounds. Believing these myths has led more than one homeowner to make serious lawn care mistakes. We're here to bust five of the most commonly believed lawn care myths.

Lawn Care Myths Debunked

1. Spring is the time for seeding.Actually, fall is usually the preferred time for sowing grass. That's because temperatures tend are more even and some weeds are dormant. One of the most reliable lawn care tips is to plant new grass in the fall, and to work on protecting what you already have in the spring and summer.2. Removing grass clippings is essential to prevent thatch.Not necessarily. The main component in those grass clippings is water, and much of that water contains fertilizer if you've been following a lawn care routine. The clippings decompose quickly, and the fertilizer gets redistributed to the lawn.3. Fertilize before summer hits.While it's true that cool season grasses need spring fertilizer, other lawns that thrive in warm weather may do better when fertilized late in the spring when temperatures rise. Know whether your lawn is cool season or warm season to determine when the best time to fertilize is.4. Golf courses have short, beautiful grass. My lawn should be just as short.Not true. The success of any golf course relies largely on the massively expensive, high tech lawn equipment that is used to maintain it. There are few similarities between the mower used on a golf course and the one you use at home. When you cut your lawn too short, you're exposing it to drying out and to acquiring more weeds and pests. A good rule of thumb is to cut no more than one-third of the length.5. Watering every day is a must.Too much watering can actually be harmful. Wait until the soil is barely moist before watering again.

Ready to learn about our expert lawn care services? Call (816) 820-0965 or contact an Expert.