Gardening Tips for Spring
Spring is here, and it's time for gardening tips. These helpful gardening tips just might give you a green thumb, so use them to begin your spring gardening rituals.

Don't Start Too Early
Gardening in the spring is essential, but resist heavy work until conditions are right. One of the most vital gardening tips to keep in mind is that saturated soil can undermine your efforts. Cultivating or even walking on soil that's too wet crushes its structure and can make it unsuitable for growing.
Take a Survey
Many homeowners leave gardening behind in the winter. With the arrival of spring there are a great number of gardening tips to keep in mind. Grab paper and pen to make a survey of the yard to see what needs to be done. Make note of any purchases you'll need to make so you'll have a list ready for your next shopping trip.
Get Rid of Debris
After winter storms, one of the most crucial gardening tips relates to getting rid of last year's mess. Clear away any fallen limbs, dead leaves and other detritus to make way for the serious gardening. It's also helpful to cut away the remnants of last year's perennials.
Put Tools in Order
While waiting for the soil to dry so you can experiment with more advanced gardening tips, spend some time reviewing the status of your gardening tools. Make any repairs or get replacements now so that you'll be ready when the right time arrives.
Prune for Success
Spring is an ideal time for pruning shrubs, bushes and trees. Hire professionals if you need to eliminate sizable limbs and aren't sure you can do so safely. Shrubs that bloom in the spring can be pruned after the blooms fade.
Test Soil
Gardening is more successful when you know your soil. Spring gardening tips should always include a soil test kit that tells you what your beds need to ensure gardening success.
Make your garden a success. Call (816) 820-0965 or contact an Expert.