Low Maintenance Landscaping Tips

For people who love to get out in the yard for a little landscaping therapy, tilling the ground, planting flowers, mowing or even weeding provides a sense of calm for the mind and some physical activity for the body. For those who don't love yard work, or are too busy or otherwise unable to handle landscape maintenance chores, we've put together a list of tips to cut the time and energy you spend working on your lawn and landscaping. (Even those people who love a little yard work can benefit from these.)Mowing or cutting the long grass with a green lawn mower in the

How to Lower Your Lawn Maintenance Time and Energy

Arranging Plants and Other Materials

  • Use an edging material to keep your grass and plants growing where you want them to grow, and not where you don't.
  • Use paving or stepping stones for walking paths. Your mailman or the pizza delivery guy won't necessarily take the time and effort to tiptoe through your garden like a ballerina.
  • Add a 2-3" layer of mulch to control weeds and reduce watering.

Preparing Your Planting Beds

  • Be sure to address any drainage or erosion issues before planting.
  • Remove or kill weeds and grass before you plant.
  • While tilling the soil may not be completely necessary, few plants will grow under compacted soil.

Proper Plant Selection

  • Use plants that grow to the size you want them to at maturation. Doing so will eliminate the need for constant sheering.
  • Consider using trees that don't drop fruit and also have small leaves so you don't have to clean up after them all the time.
  • Reduce the number of annual plants needed. By reducing annuals, you eliminate the need for re-planting every year.

Always Be Prepared

The number one tip for reducing landscaping maintenance we can give is to have a plan. Whether your plan is a professional one or something you come up with on your own, you can eliminate redundant work. By setting a proper sequence you'll avoid problems in the future.

Olympic Lawn and Landscaping is proud to offer quality lawn and landscaping services to the Kansas City area. For more information about reducing the time you spend doing yard work, or for help with a professional plan of action, call us at (816) 820-0965 today.